Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) assesses recent editions of the model codes to quantify the associated energy & cost savings. HERS Index Values Corresponding to the IECC.National Cost Effectiveness of the 2018 IECC.National Cost Effectiveness of the 2021 IECC.Energy and Energy Cost Savings Analysis of the 2018 IECC for Commercial Buildings.Energy and Energy Cost Savings Analysis of the 2021 IECC for Commercial Buildings.National Cost Effectiveness of Standard 90.1-2016 Workbook.National Cost Effectiveness of Standard 90.1-2016.National Cost Effectiveness of Standard 90.1-2019 Workbook.National Cost Effectiveness of Standard 90.1-2019.The following national analyses are currently available: Commercial climate zones, and is of interest to policymakers, as well as adopting states & localities. This analysis confirms the cost-effectiveness of updated editions of the model codes across U.S.